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Recife Microwave Week terá palestras com professores Gabriel Machado, Yi Huang e Daniel Gomes, além de visitas a laboratórios

As três palestras ocorrem na próxima segunda-feira (25), das 10h às 12h, no auditório do DES, no CTG

O capítulo profissional IEEE MTT-S Northeast Brazil Chapter e o capítulo estudantil IEEE MTT-S da Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (UFPE) promovem o Recife Microwave Week, com atividades como palestras e visitas aos laboratórios. As três palestras ocorrem na próxima segunda-feira (25), das 10h às 12h, no auditório do Departamento de Eletrônica e Sistemas (DES), localizado no Centro de Tecnologia e Geociências (CTG).

O professor Gabriel Machado, da Ulster University, ex-aluno da UFPE, fala sobre o tema “Design and Experiments of a Wideband mmWave Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface”. Depois, o professor Yi Huang, da University of Liverpool (Distinguished Lecturer do IEEE APS), apresenta a palestra “Wireless Energy Harvesting and Power Transfer”. Por último, o professor da UFPE Daniel Gomes fala sobre “Aplicações Industriais do Machine Leaning”.

Palestra 1

“Design and Experiments of a Wideband mmWave Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface”, com o professor Gabriel Machado
Para fazer inscrição, acesse o link. 


This talk, a 1-Bit, dual polarized, wideband Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface (RIS) is presented. The design constraints are discussed and details of the unit-cell are shown to understand its principle of operation. The PCB construction will also be presented, highlighting the challenges of building a mmWave RIS. Experimental results demonstrated a good agreement with the expected performance of the RIS, Which will later be tested on the field as part of the 6G Sandbox Consortium. This presentation will cover the entire engineering life-cycle of the design of a mmWave RIS, from initial design, optimizing the bandwidth, PCB design and experimental setups used for our initial validation.

Palestra 2

“Wireless Energy Harvesting and Power Transfer”, com o professor Yi Huang
Para fazer inscrição, acesse o link.


In this keynote, professor Huang will discuss the emerging fields of Wireless Energy Harvesting (WEH) and Wireless Power Transfer (WPT). WEH focuses on efficiently capturing energy from the environment, while WPT deals with the wireless transmission of energy. The Rectenna (Rectifying Antenna) is the key device enabling both technologies. WEH aims to harvest energy over a broad frequency range, while WPT targets specific frequency bands for optimal energy transfer. The presentation will provide an overview of Rectenna Systems, addressing challenges in enhancing power conversion efficiency – a critical performance metric. Current research is predominantly focused on RF and Microwave Frequencies, which will be emphasized in the talk.

Palestra 3

“Aplicações Industriais do Machine Leaning”, com o professor Daniel Gomes.
Para fazer inscrição, acesse o link. 


This lecture provides an introductory overview of Machine Learning and highlights its significant applications in the Electricity Sector. The discussion encompasses key topics such as predictive maintenance, substation automation and fault detection. These applications illustrate how machine learning can enhance the efficiency, reliability, and proactive management of power grids and substations.

Mais informações
Professor Marcos Tavares

Data da última modificação: 21/11/2024, 17:00